This Holy Week has been a wonderful time of worship, fellowship and celebration of Jesus Christ. It was obvious that the focus was on a Person. The attention has drawn to the incomprehensible love of God expressed in the passion of Christ. The week afforded all who participated an opportunity to become better acquainted with one another. We were able to sing together, to pray together, to eat together. In short, we were able to learn to appreciate one another. Across denominational, racial, and ethnic lines there existed a bond. It is a bond based on what makes us one in the midst of great diversity. That bond is a Person. While Holy Week was hosted by the Catholic Church, the leaders each day were Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, and those divers as non-denominational and Episcopal. With such a group there is wide array of distinct and peculiar doctrines. Where then was the basis for unity? The unity was found in a Person. As Dr. Haralu pointed out on Wednesday- “As an Asian man growing up in India, influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism, and Islam, when I accepted the Christian faith it was more believable, more historic, and more compassionate an hopeful that any religion. Jesus Christ is not a myth. He truly is the Son of God.” The risen Christ is the thread that wove us all together during Holy Week.