Thoughts On Revelation (17)
Revelation should be viewed more as a book of clarification than one of speculation. Interpreters and scholars have disagreed on images and time frames mentioned in the Revelation, but still the book has many broad lessons for the church throughout all ages.
The conflict between good and evil has existed from the time of the fall in the Garden of Eden until the present time. Because of the sin nature of fallen humanity, we have no reason to believe the conflict will end until Christ returns. Revelation sends forth a clarion call for perseverance on the part of Christ’s followers. Throughout the book there is the promise of blessing and victory to those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In a broader sense Revelation addresses the issue of justice. The question of fairness can be a stumbling block for any of us. It has caused the skeptic, the agnostic and the atheist to conclude that a good God could not allow all the suffering and injustice we see in this world. Revelation unfolds in graphic terms God’s judgment on evil and wickedness. His restoration and reward to those victimized by such evil is also made known to the reader. Near the end of Revelation, John the writer hears, “Behold, I make all things new.” These words came from God who quickly added, “Write for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21:5)
Revelation seems to put a finishing touch on a biblical worldview. God is in control. Not all questions are answered in this life. This life is not all there is. God will move in His own time. We have all learned that time often clarifies many things, but only eternity will make all things perfectly clear.
-Terry Morrison