Thoughts On Revelation (1)
For the next few weeks I plan to reflect on the lessons that we learn from the study of Revelation.
The book is filled with encouragement to the church in troubled times. For that reason alone it is relevant for the church of the 21st century. We need the sure word of our Savior to steady us in an unsure world.
Revelation is filled with many revelations about many things. It reveals the glory and majesty of the risen Savior, His message to the church, future events that will transpire in heaven and on earth, and ultimately the hope realized of spending eternity with our Lord. First and foremost we see in the very first verse that it is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants….”
More than any other book in the Bible, it promises specific blessings. There is a blessing for reading and hearing the Lord’s message to the church. Still the greater blessing remains for those who keep those things that are written. While on earth Jesus admonished His followers with these words, “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” (John 13:17) So we conclude that we are called to not only read but to heed. There is an urgency in His message because the time is near when we will need the strength and insight provided by His Revelation.
This book has a unique heavenly authorship. The Father gave it to Jesus, who sent it by an angel to the Apostle John. With classic humility John refers to himself as a servant, and our brother and companion in tribulation and patience. At the time of writing, around 95 A.D., John was imprisoned on a small island off the west coast of Asia Minor called Patmos. He was there because his witness for Christ was considered a threat to the ungodly.
– Terry A. Morrison