From Psalm 120 through Psalm 134 there are fifteen psalms known as “Songs of Ascent.” Tradition suggests that these songs were sung by pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem to worship God. In this article I would like to apply some of their words to us today. Let’s be reminded that we are pilgrims on our journey to the heavenly Jerusalem. From each psalm comes a verse that all of us can apply to our lives as we travel through this world. Following are selected verses from ten of the fifteen for encouragement and strength on the journey.
“I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to Him, and He answered my prayer.” Psalm 120:1
“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” Psalm 121:2
“I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1
“We keep looking to the Lord our God for His mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal.” Psalm 123:2
“Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mt. Zion, they will not be defeated but will endure forever.” Psalm 125:1
“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy.” Psalm126:5
“Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.” Psalm 127:1
“Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.” Psalm 130:3-4
“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” Psalm 133:1
“The Lord who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion.” Psalm 134:3