Finding Our True Identity
How important is it to know who you are? I believe it ranks at the top of the list of things we should know. Many people often seem confused when it comes to the question of who they are. There are, perhaps, many reasons for that. It may be that they define themselves by their education, their career or their physical appearance. The list goes on and on, but none of those things tell us who we are, rather they tell us what we are. I think we need a “God view” of ourselves in order to truly know who we are.
The Bible reveals humanity as a special creation by God, designed to have a personal relationship with their Creator. When the Holy Trinity brought forth the first human lives, these words were spoken, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.” (Gen. 1:26) Later, in verse 27 of that chapter we read the following: “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” Verse 28 follows with a divine blessing; “Then God blessed them…”. The early chapters of Genesis paint a beautiful picture of humanity walking in perfect fellowship with God. They literally walked and talked with Him when the cool evening breezes were blowing. Those who know the story know the beauty of that relationship was shattered by sin. When God entered the garden after sin had entered the lives of Adam and Eve, He asked “Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9) It was not that God did not know where they were, but rather that now, the couple did not know where they were. They had never before been out of relationship with God. Their true identity was lost, and all of humanity had suffered the same loss.
But there is good news. All is not forever lost. What was forfeited by eating fruit from the forbidden tree was regained by Christ’s death on the tree of forgiveness. In Him and through Him we find our identity. We can know who we are. We are new creations, re-created in Christ Jesus and restored to that place for which God originally created us.
-Terry Morrison