Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

There is joy which comes from Christ that transcends happiness. We dare not conclude from that fact that there is no place for happiness. To draw such a conclusion, it seems, would lead to a dull and sour life. A life so lived would be out of character for the believer and for God. Happy is defined as delighted, pleased or glad. That is a much better way to live. I found a wonderful verse in Proverbs. It reads, “God blesses those who obey Him; happy the man who puts his trust in the Lord.” (Proverbs 16:20 TLB) Oh yes, even the King James version uses the word happy.
Perhaps it was that verse which inspired J.H. Sammis to write the lyrics for the hymn, “Trust And Obey”. It was sparked by an event in one of evangelist D. L. Moody’s meetings in Brockton, Massachusetts during the 1880’s. One night a young man rose in a testimony meeting and said, “I am not quite sure, but I am going to trust and I am going to obey.”
That grand old song has light in the lyrics and tempo in the tune that brings happiness to the heart. The chorus, following each verse, reminds us to “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” The verses in the song provide biblical truths that lead us to a more fulfilled and happy life. There is admonition to walk in the light of His Word. We have assurance of His ever abiding presence as we seek to do His will. Doubts and fears, sighs and tears will not control nor consume us if we will trust and obey. The blessings are ours, even amidst burdens, sorrows, grief and loss.
Like the young man in Moody’s meeting, we may not be quite sure about many things. There is one thing about which I feel certain. We will find lasting happiness as we learn to trust and obey the One who is completely trustworthy.

-Terry Morrison