A Plan Too Marvelous

A Plan Too Marvelous

A Plan Too Marvelous

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” So begins the Bible. Heavens are plural and earth is singular. Out of the unfathomable expanse of the universe, the earth stands out as unique in the mind of its Creator. On this small speck in the universe He would reveal Himself and unveil His love to the beings He created in His own image. Full understanding of the why of such an awesome plan is beyond the capacity of our finite minds. Thus we are brought to living by a rational faith or random fate. In His infinite wisdom God has allowed us a choice.
On the pages of Holy Scripture God reveals His plan in terms that are plain enough to be comprehended by those who choose to live by faith. His revelation is progressive. In the Old Testament we get glimpses of this plan as He speaks through the prophets and calls a special nation called Israel. The name of that nation literally means Prince with God. This nation and its prophets, often times unknowingly, continually point to a fuller revelation of this wonderful plan of the God who was speaking through them.
The Old Testament closes with the last words of the prophet Malachi. His words hint of a marvelous future event, but those words are followed by four hundred years of silence. That silence was suddenly shattered by the voices of angels declaring that a baby had just been born in Bethlehem. His name is Jesus and He is Christ the Lord. The Creator had come in person to this tiny planet that He had created for His own wise purpose.
All along the Creator knew that the people He created for a loving relationship would sin and spoil the plan. His love was such that He took that risk. But an even greater love brought Him to earth to redeem them by giving His life to restore the relationship they had broken. No, we cannot fully comprehend each and every why of the plan. One thing we know for sure. It was born and fashioned by unconditional love.

-Terry Morrison