A Blessed Life (29)
For the eight years from 1977 to 1985, I was focused and settled in ministry, family life and the community. It was wonderful to have a sense of belonging. I thoroughly enjoyed being pastor of the Ebenezer Church. We had many great meetings with outstanding guest preachers. It was unusual that several sought after speakers would grace the pulpit of our little country church. The church had a balcony, and for years it had been used for storage. I remember the time we scheduled Dr. David Reagan for a week. I said that we needed to clear the balcony for the overflow. Some of the folks thought that was crazy and a waste of effort., but clean and prepare we did. The first night of the meeting cars started rolling in. The parking lot was soon full and people had to park on the side of the road. We even ran out of room in the balcony, so we set up chairs wherever there was space. Not only did we have big crowds each night, but there was a move of the Spirit which impacted many lives.
I was immersed in the work of ministry. Besides preaching and teaching, there were also other duties that went along with being the country parson. The joy of performing weddings and the solemn occasions when one who was loved was laid to rest. To this day I am called on for such ministry for some of those dear folks at Ebenezer. I count it a privilege and an honor.
Summer Vacation Bible School was done really well at that church. There were creative people who had the heart and energy to make it successful. Two of our best years were the ones when we partnered with our neighbors at New Providence. Working in unity for the cause of the kingdom is, as the Bible says, good and pleasant.
There came a time when I realized that there was a new direction for my life and ministry. It was for greater expressions of worship, especially in music. In my heart I knew that their history and tradition would not allow them to do so. My resignation was not bitter. It just seemed to be time for a change. Looking back some thirty plus years, I see how God has led me and that church in His plan.
– Terry A. Morrison