A Blessed Life (21)
For nearly three years I pastored the Church of Christ in Fisherville, Kentucky. It is a stretch to say I pastored, but I preached and worked and learned a lot. Besides the work of ministry, I enrolled in Louisville Bible College. Most all the professors were, or had been full time ministers. It was very beneficial to learn from their experience. But I found that real experience happens on the field, not in the classroom. It is said that good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. Looking back on those early years of ministry I can see the truth in that quote. I often think how things could have been better if I could have had forty years experience at the age of twenty one. But as someone has said-”We get too soon old and too late smart.”
Despite my youth and youthful mistakes, I look back on that time with many fond memories. Lifetime friendships were built. Joys and sorrows have been shared through the years. There are strong bonds that are held together by the fibers of God’s love and grace. Our family was being built upon the foundation of support and love from many dear people in that little country congregation. Michelle was born just prior to accepting the call to the church. Before she turned two, Brian was born in June of 1969. There were two or three loving families who literally helped us raise them. Those folks remained precious to our family until the time of their death.
As I reflect back on the era from 1967 until 1970, it is hard to believe how swiftly time has flown. I am also impressed by how time puts things in perspective. There were one or two extremely negative and hurtful events that I could dwell on, but I cannot bring myself to do so. It is not because I am too good or so spiritual. I certainly wasn’t at the time. It is just that time has taught me that I am blessed when I let go of the ugly and hold on to the beautiful. Memories can be precious if we so choose.
– Terry A. Morrison