A Blessed Life (14)

A Blessed Life (14)

My years in high school were filled with really good times and my memories are many. Basketball games every Tuesday and Friday from December through March were regular events on our calendar. Back then a Wednesday or Sunday game was rare, if not totally unheard of. Those days were reserved for the church. We lived in the era where church not only provided spiritual strength, but was also a vital part of social life.
In the fall it was Friday night football. It was during my freshman year that football was introduced for the first time at Bourbon County High. I did not play that sport, but Fridays in the fall found me attending home games rooting for our Colonels, and hoping to catch the attention of one or two cute girls. There were sock hops after the games, a dance in the gym where you had to remove your shoes so as to not scratch the floor-thus the name sock hop. I never learned to dance well at all, but the gathering was fun and a really big deal. I remember thinking that this was a wonderful and happy time of life. I was truly living in “Happy Days”.
Sundays in the summer were great. Church provided a time for worship, and a day with no farm work. Afternoons found about twenty of us boys playing softball. This was no organized league. We just chose sides, played hard and settled our own disputes. We were blessed to have a field that a church member built for us on his farm. After playing a few games the day ended with lemonade being provided by the mother of two of our players. It just didn’t get any better than that.

– Terry A. Morrison